Want to Liven up Your Next Event? Try Food Stations

No matter what kind of event you're planning, the catering can be one of the biggest expenses for a business. And it's an important part of creating a memorable corporate event. What can you do to make it more enjoyable for your guests? Why not try food stations?  If you're not familiar with food stations, they are like mini buffets placed strategically around your event space. Food stations are fun and interactive, and they can give any meeting an automatic makeover.

Keeping Your Flatbread Creations From Inflating During Baking Time

If you are interested in baking your own flatbread to use for sandwiches or as a dipping medium, you most likely have a recipe in mind to try out for the project. To ensure the ingredients give you a flattened bread after they are mixed together and baked, there are a few tricks you can use to enhance the possibility of a perfect end result. Here are a few ways you can keep your flat bread dough from rising into a regular bread consistency.

Tips For Making Delicious Caramels For Gifts

Gourmet caramels are not only decadent to look at, but also simply delicious to eat. From melting, gooey delights to hard and crunchy varieties, this centuries-old candy has been enjoyed by people all over the world. Giving caramels as a gift is a great way to provide a homemade and tasty treat that can be devoured anytime. Here are some great tips you can use to create delicious caramels that look as delightful as they taste.

3 Awesome Reasons To Take Your Kids To A Family Restaurant

Going out to eat as a family is something that can be really fun and special for all who are involved, but this is especially true for the children. This article will discuss 3 awesome reasons why you should take your kids out to eat at a family restaurant.  Specialized Kid's Menus  When you take your kid's to a family restaurant, they are going to have a menu that is created specifically for kids, such as at Buffalo Phil's Pizza & Grille.

How To Order Pizza To Watch The World Series When Your Girlfriend Is A Vegetarian

If you're the type who loves to order a meat lovers pizza and you can't imagine eating a salad, let alone putting vegetables on top of a pizza, then you're probably wondering what type of pizza delivery to order when your girlfriend is over to watch the big game. You're probably thinking of ordering a plain pie, but that's a bit limited in scope. Why not show her you've been thinking of her and order something more interesting that you normally wouldn't eat?